About the Blog

This blog is my witness statement to life as a patient with heart failure and ultimately living with a stronger, better heart by the will of God, and the generosity of a donor and their family. I'll share my thoughts and experiences as an inpatient, and the spectrum of emotions I felt on my journey through 'transplant'. Whether you're on a similar journey or have just heard the t-word for the first time, there's something in this 'light-hearted' blog for everyone. Finally, this blog is a safe space to start conversations and raise awareness about organ donation, as transplants would not be possible without the generosity of organ donors. To make it a little easier, I've compiled a list of resources which can give you insight into the process of becoming a donor, and how you can sensitively speak to your loved ones about your decision, and their decisions too. ​ One conversation can give someone the comfort of life.
About Me
Mehreen (she/her)
​Final year Neuroscience student at the University of Nottingham (a true brain-iac)
Plays piano and viola (YouTube channel - Adagio Nights)
Nature is stunning - here's a collection of my favourite camera shots (Instagram - mehrx.captures)
You'll find me in the woods.

As a practicing Muslim, a lot of the terms you will hear in this blog are words of remembrance of God. To make it easy for all the non-Muslims reading, here is a little word bank to help :)
Alhamdulilah (All praise belongs to God/ Thank God)
Subhan'Allah (All glory is to God)
Insha'Allah (If God Wills)
Thank you for making it through this essay, and I hope you enjoy our heart-to-heart